Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The ghost of shows past

Tying in with my last blog. I've been feeling nostalgic lately for shows past. I never took pictures at a show but I did tend to take some after at times. I was looking at some pictures I have from those days (and yes most are of AFI, ignore my sometimes slight fangirl tenancies with them, I just love them so much)....

*disclaimer* Though I did love hanging around bands, and had many friends who were musicians, I was NOT a groupie. Calling me a groupie will result in having your head ripped off and shoved down your neck hole. Ok, now that that's sorted, moving on.... ;)

This was when Me, Jake, Adam, Justin, and Bex had won a contest in which five of us were taken to a Green Day show in a limo and taken back to meet the band. I've heard from people that they were stuck up. I didn't think so, I found them to be three pretty cool guys. They were super nice and put on a good show.

Chicago. Me and Bex are walking to a Starbucks (ok running) when we happened upon Davey ( AFI). And Smith took our picture for us. Nerdy I know, but I love this man. And he like my Creatures shirt. Good times. :)

The Puget brother sandwich. Jade and Smith. One of my favorite moments. Also possibly my favorite picture. Taken the same day as the last picture, during my three show AFI streak.
Fact: you can never see AFI too many times.

Me and Jade (AFI) about....2006? Such a sweet guy.

After long last I finally got to meet Hunter (AFI). Not only did I meet him but hung out and talked to him for a good hour. To make amends for being so elusive he brought offerings of granola bars. Enjoy our wonderful picture complete with stupid faces.

Me and Bill with Adam(AFI). Eryn kinda pushed us into a picture. hehe
He looks scared in this picture, ha. He wasn't. :) He's a rad guy, just like the rest of his band.

Me Eryn and Smith (AFI tour manager). Flipping off the next generation. ;)
Me and Dexter Holland (The Offspring) at a Warped Tour. I don't think either of us were prepared for a picture. Hence while we are still talking as it's being taken. I'm not usually a 'picture getter' but hey. :)

Me and Jenna (aka Marge) with Tiger Army. Nick 13 is another person people say is unpleasant to meet. I was really nice to me. *shrug* I also enjoy geoff diving over the table to get in the pic.

Me and Kim Nekroman (Nekromantix)at a bar in Iowa. Yes, Iowa.

Lars Fredrickson (Rancid). He kept calling me 'little Sammi' ha.

Quinn (the used) with Sara and Bex. This was after project Revolution (aka the show of death) he was a bit inebriated and followed us around. At one point jumping on my back saying 'i'm tired! carry me!' Next time I saw him he was a bit more clear headed heh.

Me and Ryan (The Distillers) right after he had stolen a HIM pin from my coat. (I kinda miss my coat of a million pins)
Brody Dalle (The Distillers) after she randomly signed my shirt "I love that shirt! I'm gonna sign it!"and hugged me continuously in her somewhat drunkened state. I was completely ok with that. I love this gorgeous woman. And I miss this band.
Going back to about....2003? Back when people still said "who's AFI" when I told them who my favorite band was. I think I'm about 18(?) here and meeting my them for the first time. Me and Jade. Pictures are always after shows when my makeup is sweated off, oh well, I'm happy.

Same night, meeting Davey. Apparently because I kept hugging him over and over he just held on to me like that while he talked to people. And me being my little 18 year old self was about to explode with uncontained joy. Hell, I would still feel that way at 24 if he did that. :)

Getting a hug. I love this picture so much. Especially because he's smiling, he wouldn't smile for pictures but he did for mine. And because, again, I'm a nerd and I love him, I felt special. :)

Jade, "what kind of picture should we take? I know I'll punch you in the face!" hehe Jade and Nissa.

Matt (Limbeck) one of the many times we went to a Limbeck show. They were awesome guys and I miss them. This pic shows Matt instructing others how to properly eat cornflakes while a random man (a cousin i think) poses in the background. This night also included such moments as Justin, the bass player stomping through a flower garden swinging Jenna's camera. "You suck I don't want to go back in the van! for serious!"
Me and Patrick (Limbeck) SQUEEZE! These pics are from...jeez, 2004 -5 maybe?

Lastly we will jump to the most recent of times. Me and Brendon Small (Dethklok) now this is awesome because it feeds both my music side and my nerdy cartoon enthusiast side.

Yeah so there we go, I have more pictures of such things in a shoebox. You know, when people didn't have digital cameras. Some of these are old non-digital pics (if you couldn't tell by the graininess). But these were what I had on my computer and thought I would take a nostalgic moment. Lots of stories and memories behind these pics alone. Going to shows with my good friends was a big part of my life back in the day. With random road trips to Cali, Oklahoma, Chicago, Iowa....I need to make some more memories now, because I don't want these good times to stop.

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