Friday, July 2, 2010


I've just realized that it is almost 10 pm and I really haven't eaten anything today. I was busy doing projects...hmm. That explains the headache. But also I managed to rediscover my love for Blur and do this random nonsense blog. :)

Things around my humble artist's abode. Things I do, things that inspire me, things that take up space. Enjoy things such as.....

Sketchy time with new fountain pens:

My giant pile of drawing paper and binders full of drawings:
The magical desk drawer full of random art utensils...and a bandana.....and my old debit card apparently:
The desk chair full of paintings:
The closet shelf full of paints and more random are utensils:
Drawing in progress with my most common tools:
Inspirational decor:
Some inspirational music:
Remy being secret:
Some of my comicy goodness:
The pumpkin that sits on my TV. Hanging on from Halloween. He's a trooper:
These guys:
My refrigerator full of concert tickets:
Childhood stuffed animals:
This penguin who lacks a face. Proudly showing the symbol of Mexitalia. With bonus weird lipstick stain and alphabet magnets:
My kitchen sink, complete with Bettie Page boobs:
Comics I made in fourth grade:
Guitars everywhere from my musician boyfriend:
Books! Thesaurus? that's not a book, wait.... :
Some of my movie/cartoon goodness:
Well I hope you enjoyed. I hope it was informative and compelling. Random and rather pointless, I know, but it gave me something to do. :) And now I will leave you with this:

Stay Slunchy.

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