Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Awesomeness Ahoy!

I thought for the hell of it I shall make a blog about things lately that I find awesome.

First up. The Concrete Blonde show I went to on Saturday. Now most of you probably know how excited I was for that. I was because they are one of my all time favorite bands. They had broken up and were no longer touring, this just happened to be the 20th anniversary of their cd 'bloodletting' so they did a small tour. I never thought I would get to see them. So me and my brother Jeremy (who got me into them in the first place) went. My friend Eryn was there as well. It was super fun and they were awesome. Johnette Napolitano is an amazing woman and also my favorite singer, she's just so...awesome.....
(Yeah I didn't take these pics, I stole them)

Next up, I came across a series of comics on DA called 'Scandinavia and the world' by an artist named Humon. They are freaking hilarious, I recommend checking it out.

Next up, every year me and Bill watch the show 'Britian's got talent' the neither of my favorites won :( my favorites being these two:


The second vid I couldn't find an embed code to. But you can see it that way if you care to. Seems I like dancers :)

Let's see, what else?........

I think that will be all for today. I need to keep up with this thing some more. I'm not sure if anyone reads it really but it's fun to do. And I made it all snazzy. :)

Stay Slunchy

1 comment:

VeeVeeVicious said...

i read, see, appreciate, and love your work. thanks to you, my days become more snazzy when you do decide to post. oh and it may not matter to you what i think, but i do not find you boring. =0)