Sunday, August 23, 2009

Ressurection of a blog! *cue spooky music*

I forgot I had one of these. Huh. Since I finally remembered I decided to brush off the cobwebs and start using it again, so from time to time I will write on this thing with ramblings or projects I'm doing or just basic goings ons in my life. It's going to be AWE-SOME. Anywho, I will start this off by showing you this:

I've been reading all my Anne Rice books lately, and as is my way- I feel the need to draw things from whatever I am reading at the time. So here I was drawing (very roughly) some Vampires:

I do believe I was starting to draw Pandora....

Lestat and Nicolas, being cozy and non-vampiric.

The last one being Lestat the 'wolfkiller' before he was a vampire :)

But yeah I will update this thing from time to time now if anyone cares to see what I put up.


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