Tuesday, August 25, 2009


A few times I have been asked how I go about making my comics when I do my 'Evie Spooks' comics. So for the hell of it, I thought I would show you my whole process. Which is pretty simple and not all the exciting really.....But onward!

First comes an idea. Generally I get these from conversations I've had with friends or me simply me going 'give me a subject!'. This particular one is based off a discussion I had with one of my friends:

1) Idea: hot Spock.

2.) really craptacular rough sketch in my notebook

3.) Make panels, 6 in this case, and sketch out what each panel will look like:

4.) Draw in pencil drawings of the characters and such, I'm all about mechanical pencils for cartooning because i usually do a lot of little details which needs a constantly sharp point and sharpening every 30 seconds is a pain :

5.) Ink the pencil drawings. I use drawing pens in most cases unless I'm doing something bigger or with a lot of dark space:

6) Erase all the pencil lines and fix up any details and such:

7.) This is the part where I scan each panel individually and color them. Then when they are colored I put it back together, it's just easier that way to me and then i can fix up my inability to draw my panels evenly. heh. I use Photoshop for this. And a mouse because I don't own a tablet because I am a poor kid. Though I don't feel like explaining here step by step how i do it. Lets just say lots of layers are involved.

Anywho it eventually comes out like this:


Yep that's how I do that, exciting aye? I might start putting these comics up here every week or whatnot, since I make a ton of them. Hope this was interesting-ish to someone out there. :)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Ressurection of a blog! *cue spooky music*

I forgot I had one of these. Huh. Since I finally remembered I decided to brush off the cobwebs and start using it again, so from time to time I will write on this thing with ramblings or projects I'm doing or just basic goings ons in my life. It's going to be AWE-SOME. Anywho, I will start this off by showing you this:

I've been reading all my Anne Rice books lately, and as is my way- I feel the need to draw things from whatever I am reading at the time. So here I was drawing (very roughly) some Vampires:

I do believe I was starting to draw Pandora....

Lestat and Nicolas, being cozy and non-vampiric.

The last one being Lestat the 'wolfkiller' before he was a vampire :)

But yeah I will update this thing from time to time now if anyone cares to see what I put up.
