Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Miss Evie

So lately I've been doing some of theses art meme things. Which basically are these little things where you follow instructions and make your character(s) do or appear how it says. It's good practice I suppose. So I've only done a couple of them so far but thought I would throw them up here: My characters right after their alarms go off in the morning: Yep. I will probably do a blog introducing who my characters are for those who don't know. But I haven't really extensively started putting my comic up yet. But here's a quick once over: Name and relationship to Evie. Rt to Left: Maddie Artis (neighbor/friend), Project Mayhem ( Pearl's cat), Evie Spooks, Pearl Brinkly (best friend/housemate), Miles Artis (neighbor/friend/Maddie's brother), Cash (childhood friend/housemate), Lilith Synder(friend), And Chompton (her pet....creature)

I need to start working on this again, considering every aspect of these characters is fully planed in my head. I need to start putting them out on paper.